Sunday, February 20, 2011

FLUX - The perpetual state

I've finished a new game for called 'FLUX'.

In this game, you move green blocks around the board in order to conquer the red blocks. You do this by converting blank blocks to green before they can be converted to red.

It's a simple, 'experimental' game based on the concept that 'everything is connected':

'All phenomena, link together in a mutually conditioning network' (Buddha)

All creatures are involved in the life of all others, consequently every species... all nature is in a perpetual state of flux. - John Dewey



  1. Hi,

    Your flash quizes for kids are excellent help. Do you have the code to create a quiz that scrambles the words in a sentence and the kids have to put the words back in the correct order?

    thanks again

  2. Hi Darren,

    Sure, I have some code that does that. Email me at (replace -AT- with @) and I'll send you an FLA. Let me know which version of Flash you're using in the mail.
